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GDA AID Climate Resilience: Kick-off meeting


Kick-off of the the dedicated action on Climate Resilience under the GDA programme's AID (Agile EO Information Development) activity line


GDA at World Space Forum ‘Space 4 Climate Action’

GDA will contribute to the World Space Forum ‘Space 4 Climate Action’, co-organized by UNOOSA and the government of Austria, through its participation go the panel session on “Recommendations, innovative and new approaches” alongside representatives of NASA, the Russian ministry of economy, and the Space Generation Advisory Council.


GDA M&E: Kick-off meeting


Kick-off of the the dedicated GDA programmatic support action on Monitoring & Evaluation and Impact Assessment


ADB Healthy Oceans Tech and Finance Forum


ESA is participating to the Blue Foods Session “The Catch: securing sustainable and diverse supplies from wild fisheries and aquaculture” and the Virtual Expo, elaborating on EO4SD-marine and upcoming activities under GDA AID marine, as part of ADB Healthy Oceans Tech and Finance Forum.  


GDA at the European Union – African Union summit


ESA is contributing to the “Space for sustainable development” side event of the European Union - African Union Summit, outlining ESA Earth Observation activities in Africa including reference to the active engagement under EO4SD with 35 projects in 30 African countries, covering 8 thematic sectors, and follow-up activities under GDA.


WB GFDRR Digital Earth Partnership and ESA


A joint DEP-GDA presentation is going to be given on the complementary and coordinated efforts of the WB Digital Earth Partnership program and the ESA GDA program in the mainstreaming of EO in WB operations. The audience targeted by this presentation is mainly representants from donor institutions and World Bank management. Featured speakers include: Edward … Read more


GDA at ESA Earth Observation Info Days 2022


The European Space Agency, ESA, is organising the EO Info Days to introduce activities in FutureEO-1 Block 4 “EO Science for Society”, Global Development Assistance (GDA), and Climate Change Initiative Opportunities (CCI+)  programmes. The main goals of these Info Days will be to present the upcoming opportunities for European entities to participate in the activities … Read more


GDA at ESA Space Bites


David Taverner (Caribou Digital) is going to give a presentation on Space for Sustainable Development Goals, elaborating a.o. on GDA and EO4SD impact assessment and M&E context -- Check the recording on ESA's YouTube channel: