Thematic Areas – GDA AID
The Global Development Assistance (GDA) Programme is designed to respond directly to our Institutional Partners‘ operational requirements and needs of stakeholders in developing countries. A set of 12 themes (scroll down for further info) has been identified as priority engagement areas, building and expanding on recent collaborative activities.
In order to ensure a responsive, iterative, and impact-driven implementation of the programme, an agile development approach is adopted under this main GDA activity line, labeled as GDA AID (Agile EO Information Development). Following the agile implementation principles, the work is organised in four main tasks, carried out in three 6-month sequential iteration cycles: [T1] User Engagement and Support, [T2] EO-based information Development, [T3] Pre-Operational Testing, [T4] User Feedback, Assessment and Future Planning. Further insight on this approach is provided in figure (1) below.
A key principle of the agile approach in global development is to focus on activities that bring the most value to development partners and clients and to dynamically optimise in constant interaction with the beneficiaries. Figure (2) schematises this agile prioritisation process where low-impact targets are discarded upfront, and high-impact high-feasibility targets are prioritised. Subsequent iterations then move to the higher complexity (hence lower feasibility) domain while retaining and even further sharpening the focus on maximised impact and value generation.

Find out more about each active GDA AID thematic cluster by clicking on the icons below.