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Lake Nasser, Egypt. Source: ESA

Activity launch: GDA AID Water Resources

The GDA AID Water Resources activity will be launched on 9 February 2023, with the participation of both the ESA GDA team and members from the consortium led by EOMAP (Germany).

Water is key to sustainable development, being critical for socio-economical development, energy and food production, and healthy ecosystems. However, more than 40 percent of the world’s population is affected by water scarcity and this issue is expected to be exacerbated by climate change.

Earth Observation (EO) is increasingly seen as an essential source of information which can complement national data and support countries to collect regular information for better integrated water resources management. In particular, partner IFIs (International Financial Institutions) such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, have identified EO-based geo-information as being able to help sustaining water resources, delivering water services and building water resilience.

The consortium, made up of companies from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, will support IFIs activities related to water management by providing EO services and products to the following foreseen use-cases:

  • Water supply and demand;
  • Water infrastructure planning;
  • Groundwater monitoring;
  • Climate resilience (Flood detection, drought forecasting);
  • Monitoring of Freshwater Quality;
  • Freshwater Biodiversity Monitoring;
  • Monitoring of River and Delta Morphology.

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