ADB e-Marketplace for a water-secure and resilient Asia and the Pacific
GDA is going to participate in an interactive session as well as contribute to the closing plenary of the ADB e-Marketplace for water-secure and resilience Asia and the Pacific
Knowledge Hub
Advancing and Building EO knowledge and Capacity (ABC). Extensive and interactive repository of European Earth Observation service capabilities.
MOOC on Satellite Earth Observation for IDA
The Space for International Development Assistance Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), created for the GDA, examines EO’s role in global development with expert insights.
ESA GDA Impact Newsroom- Episode 7: December 2024
In episode 7 of ESA’s GDA Impact Newsroom, discover how Earth Observation is driving sustainable change from urban planning in Kenya to enhancing clean energy in Bangladesh.
ESA GDA Impact Newsroom- Episode 6: September 2024
This episode highlights include ESA meetings with WB and IFAD, Climate Resilience next-gen tool and cases from the Marine and the Fragility, Conflict and Security activities.