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Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan. Source: ESA


Caribou Space meets World Bank Teams to discuss current EO uses

The use of Earth Observation (EO) within International Financial Institutions’ (IFIs) operations and financing is a complex and multi-faceted topic which involves a constellation of stakeholders. Having a better understanding of the big picture is crucial to the elaboration of a coherent strategy as well as to the impact evaluation of EO-related programmes such as GDA.

As part of the ESA GDA Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) activityCaribou Space (GDA M&E consortium lead) went to Washington DC at the end of September 2022 in order to discuss with World Bank partner teams and stakeholders the current use of Earth Observation and the integration of satellite data in the Bank’s operations and financing.

The meetings between the World Bank teams and Caribou Space were facilitated by Alex Chunet, ESA representative at the World Bank, and contribute to the documentation of the current “state of play” regarding the use of EO in IFIs.

David Taverner (Senior Director at Caribou Space), Alex Chunet (ESA representative at the World Bank) and Nicki McGoh (Director and Co-lead at Caribou Space) met at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington DC.

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