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France joins the GDA programme

We are very happy to welcome France as the 14th participating state in the GDA programme, following ESA Council at Ministerial level held in Paris on 22 and 23 November 2022.

The GDA team is excited and looking forward to leveraging French expertise in the use of satellite Earth Observation (EO) for development assistance, and to build on the successful engagements under the GDA-precursor initiative Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD).

We are also grateful to Austria and Italy for their increased subscriptions facilitating further involvement of their respective EO service sectors through GDA. We will proceed full speed with all our supporters and partners on the mission of accelerating impact by capitalising on the power of space for international development assistance.

Explore our map for the full list of ESA Member States engaged in GDA.

Click on the map to explore the full list of ESA Member States engaged in GDA

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