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GDA AID Fragility User Requirements Review (URR) meeting. Source: e-GEOS

GDA AID Fragility engaged successfully with the IFIs community of users

The User Requirements Review (URR) meeting of the GDA AID Fragility, Conflict and Security activity took place in Rome on 6 July at e-GEOS premises.

The meeting was attended on site by the ESA GDA AID Fragility Technical Officer (Michela Corvino), IFI representatives from Asian Development Bank (Elizabeth De Benedetti and Valeria Fabbroni), as well as consortium members from CGI, DLR, e-GEOS, Janes and Vito. The World Bank (Bertrand Murguet, Paul Prettitore and Kenneth Mwangi) as well as other colleagues from the consortium (including Hensoldt representatives) joined remotely via videoconference.

The URR meeting is a key milestone for each GDA AID activity as its main objective is to present the Use Cases promoted to the design phase. Particularly, the URR meeting aims at complementing missing requirements of each use case, and agreeing on a potential workflow and time plan for the first deliverable cycle. It was also an opportunity to meet in-person for ESA, the consortium and the IFIs representatives.

As a result of the meeting, eight use cases were endorsed to support relevant projects in the IFIs. For the World Bank, the pilot projects will be applied on transport sector development and rural access mobility in Cameroon and Nigeria, the reconstruction monitoring program in Pakistan, the assessment of nexus between land administration and resilience to disaster and climate risk in Ukraine, the Cox’s Bazar analytical program and the emergency locust response project in Eastern Africa. For the Asian Development Bank, the pilot projects will support the enhancement of an approach to Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations in several developing countries in the Pacific and at the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

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